Info VNC

1 What is a Virtual Airline?
A virtual airline is a concept developed in the early 1990's. Virtual Airlines provide members with a structured environment to maximize the enjoyment from their flight simulator. Instead of random roaming around the sky, a virtual airline (or VA) provides set assignments or routes to fly, and a set career progression. The airline keeps track of a pilots career and assigns flights based on the experience or rank of the pilot.
The member should see the airline as a 'simulated' computer airline. The pilots responsibility is the same as that of a normal pilot. The safety and comfort of their passengers is paramount. There is no room for 'aerobatics' or 'cowboys'.
Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub simply provide a departure and destination airport and leave the rest for the pilot. The pilot must then plan the flight according to the current conditions the flight will be assigned.
2 What is Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub?
Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub is a virtual aeroclub specifically created for operations within Norway. Assignments are domestic flights in Norway as well as international flights using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, FSX, MSFS2020, P3D or X-Plane. Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub started it's operations in october 2013. Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub is founded by Leif-Rune Kristiansen.
3 Virtual Airline System
Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub is based on the vaBase System that work for both online and offline flying.
You have to use our vaBase_Live_ACARS-client (you find it under your name when you are logged in as pilot) for logging all flights.
3.1 Flying online on VATSIM or IVAO
- When you fly online on VATSIM or IVAO you need to use our vaBase_Live_ACARS-client.
- Remember to BOOK the flight at VNC before you file your flightplan on VATSIM or IVAO.
- Important: You must use your callsign VNCxxx when filling the flightplan on Vatsim or Ivao.
3.2 Flying offline (not on Vatsim or Ivao)
- When you fly offline you need to BOOK the flight , and load the flight in our vaBase_Live_ACARS-client
4 Must all flights be flown online?
NO, but the vaBase_Live_ACARS-client program must be connected to the server during the flight, therefore all routes have to be flown with a connection.
Note: To add more realism to your flights, we highly recommend to join the VATSIM - (Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network) or IVAO (International Virtual Aviation Organisation). When connected to VATSIM using either the SquawkBox,FSInn,vPilot, or to IVAO using the IVAP client , you will be able to connect to ATC units as well as observe other traffic in realltime. Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub highly recommend to use the VATSIM / IVAO network.
5 Who's running this VA?
The Info who is running this VA you can find HERE.
6 Joining Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub?
To join Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub, pilots do not need to have any practical experience in aviation or the airline industry. Pilots need only have an interest in aviation or flight simulation, have the ability to devote enough time to complete their assignments, and have Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, FSX, MSFS2020, P3D or X-Plane.
Application procedure to become a Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub pilot:
6.1 Submit our online application form (Join VNC) to apply for a VNC pilot position.
6.2 After the application is recived, please give us a couple off days to activate your account.
6.3 If you have any problem during the activation or need help with someting, do not hassitate to contakt us HERE.
6.4 PS.When you recived your activation as pilot you must report one flight within 30 days. If not you will be deleted as pilot on VNC.
7. Flying for Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub?
7.1. Our pilots must use the vaBase_Live_ACARS-client to fly a VNC route.
7.2. If you have not flown a VNC route within the last 6 months, you will be relieved from your position as a Virtual Norwegian Aeroclub pilot.
8. Pilot Ranks and Aircraft Type Ratings
8.1 New pilots start as Trainee.
8.2 When you reach 10 hours you will be upgraded to the next rank and so on.